Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Importance of Fiber

Childhood obesity continues to be a concern for the children of the United States. Unfortunately, there is no quick solution for the issue. At this time there is no medication approved for treating childhood obesity. What is the best solution then?
To change our children's diet. By changing and monitoring what our children are eating, as parents, we can make sure they are getting all the proper nutrients they need. It is suggested that instead of focusing on weight loss, it is healthier for obese kids to maintain weight while they still have growing and developing to do. It is in no way healthy for children to start eating a diet that is low in calories and nutrients. Although the short term results of a low calorie diet are successful; the success is short term. Weight is easily gained back once more calories are obtained. A low calorie diet can also inhibit growth and development.
Research suggests the best solution is a diet full of vitamins and nutrients. Especially one important nutrient: Fiber. A diet high in fiber has many positive effects on assisting in weight loss and maintaining a healthy life style. Fiber can be found in many foods.
There are two different types of fiber. There is soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber can be found in apples, bananas, pears, plums, prunes, broccoli, carrots, lettuce, beans, potatoes, sweet potatoes and onions. Insoluble fiber can be found in whole grains, nuts, seeds, wheat and flax seed. Both insoluble and soluble fiber are necessary for a healthy diet.
For those who don't have a diet high in fiber, they can use fiber supplements. Most Americans do not meet the recommended dosage. For adults is is recommended to consume at least 20-35 grams/day of fiber. For children glucoomannan is a healthy fiber supplement to assist with maintaining a healthy weight.

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Dietary fiber functions & benefits

Functions Benefits[25][26]
Adds bulk to your diet, making you feel full faster May reduce appetite
Attracts water and turns to gel during digestion, trapping carbohydrates and slowing absorption of glucose[27] Lowers variance in blood sugar levels
Lowers total and LDL cholesterol Reduces risk of heart disease
Regulates blood sugar May reduce onset risk or symptoms of metabolic syndrome and diabetes
Speed the passage of foods through the digestive system Facilitates regularity
Adds bulk to the stool Alleviates constipation
Balance intestinal pH[28] and stimulates intestinal fermentation production of short-chain fatty acids May reduce risk of colorectal cancer[29]

For more info on the amount of fiber in foods visit here.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

School Lunches

Today I pose this question: Is it healthier for our children to eat a brown bag lunch or to eat the hot lunches schools are serving?

I was reading an article over the weekend about such a topic. What I discovered was shocking!
When I think back to school lunches I remember sloopy joes, hamburger surprise, mixed fruit, milk and cookies. Today children are seeing pizza, soda, and ice cream as lunch choices. Children are being given very little choices to eat healthy. And if given the chance are our children going to choose a salad over a piece of pizza?
So why do our schools continue to serve foods with which they know have no nutritional value? The U.S. Department of Agriculture continues to push more meat and cheese into lunch programs to keep the agribusiness lobbyists happy! As a nation we are jepordizing our children's health to keep lobbysist happy?!?! In the article I read they said that the Secretary of Agriculture just announced that the USDA is purchasing 75 million pounds of cheese, on top of the already purchased tons of cheese, butterfat and other dairy products purchased for school lunch purposes! ( to check out the related article visit:,0,6280221.story )

This is a disgusting amount of carbs, fats and calories our children do not need. What they need is fruits, vegetables, and water! So, what is our Government going to do?

Obama has a legislation up for reauthorization called the Children Nutrition Act. This bill is to regulate and determine what our schools are serving for lunch. If this Act is updated and put to the test our children should have more healthier choices instead of so many un-healthy things to choose from. They should have more fruit, more vegetables, less fatty and fried foods and the chance to make only healthy decisions for lunch.

But who knows how long this will take to put into effect. So in answer to my own question: Children are better off eating a brown bagged lunch that parents can regulate themselves. As parents we can not depend on our governement to make sure our children eat healthy! I propose that as parents we learn how to prepare healthy lunches ourselves!

Below are 3 great resources on Children's Health and Nutrition and great ideas for healthy lunch habbits!

Lunch Box Menus For You by Janice A. Johnston

Lunch Lessons: Changing the Way We Feed Our Children by Ann Cooper and Lisa Holmes

The Top 100 Recipes for a Healthy Lunchbox: Easy and Exciting Ideas for Your Child's Lunches ~ Nicola Graimes

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Obesity Action Coalition

As I was doing my research today I came across a fantastic resource! The best part is they work right behind us at the office! I think this is pretty crazy! So at the Office Building where my mom's Senior Helpers Business is there is a company called the Obesity Action Coalition. I used to pass by it on my way to and from the restroom (and I was pregnant so I was always walking by the sign on the wall). I was always curious what it was they actually did with obesity. Today I got my answer! I stumbled across their website this morning and wouldn't you know they are dedicated to EDUCATING and helping fight against obesity. It is a great sight with great tools such as: BMI indicator, an Advocacy Program and tons of information. WWW.ObesityActionCoalition.ORG Check them out! They are a really neat site that is truly dedicated to helping those dealing with obesity. They are not only a site with information, but a site with a heart and passion to HELPING those dealing with obesity. It is not only affecting our children, it is affecting our families. Education is the key to beating this epidemic. Become a FREE member of the OAC and be a part of the voice.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

You Are What You Eat

"You are what you eat." This is a saying we have all heard growing up. I know when I was younger I used to laugh at the idea. I used to try to imagine myself as a piece of pizza, a hot dog, or even an ice cream cone. It didn't make sense to me as a child, but now as an adult the picture is crystal clear. It is true we are what we eat! Scary isn't it?
The purpose of eating is to provide nutrients for our body so that our organs and muscles can perform their necessary duties. Our bodies need energy to operate and food is where we find that energy. The food we eat effects every organ and muscle in our body. Each nutrient, vitamin, or sugar does it's own job. Protein repairs muscles, calcium builds strong bones, vitamin B helps us fight off a cold, and carbs actually provides our bodies with the fuel it needs to perform it's daily tasks.
It seems simple doesn't it? Yet, so many people are unaware of what they are actually putting into their stomachs. They are unaware of what the by-product will do to their insides. This lack of knowledge is a huge contributing factor to the rise of childhood obesity.
In so many households everyone is so busy there is barely time for everyone to eat dinner together. Let alone having everyone eating a meal of all fresh food that is healthy and takes time to prepare.
I believe part of the issue (even for myself) is not knowing how to cook! That is why today I am offering an awesome deal on The Guide to Organic Cooking!!!! In this guide you will learn all you need to know about organic food and how to prepare it.
The Benefits of organic eating are huge! No more preservatives! No more Processed fast food! Instead know that what you are putting into your body! Know what you are putting into your children's bodies! Take care of you and your family today!! Cook a meal they won't forget! Help with this fight against childhood obesity! Make a difference for your loved ones today. Purchase your Guide To Organic Cooking: The Healthy Way of Living today!!

Friday, August 14, 2009

The Vicious Cycle of Childhood Obesity

I found this out on the web and thought it was a great illustration explaining how childhood obesity does not stop at adulthood. When we are children we are young and impressionable. We are learning at an incredible pace. Our parents are our biggest influence. The behaviors we learn as children are the behaviors we use to survive as adults; whether we learn to exercise to let off steam or to eat to fill up the void of loneliness, usually these behaviors are well in place before we are 25.
This image shows a brief overview of how a lack of exercise can lead to a child becoming obese. Playing too many video games and watching too much TV has many negative effects. It causes ADHD , learning problems and weight gain which then causes muscle loss.
As the child gains weight everything becomes more difficult. It is more difficult to run and walk. It is harder to breathe. The child is not healthy. This child turns into an unhealthy young adult, and then an unhealthy adult.
There are many very serious health risks associated with obesity: type 2 diabetes, hypertension, asthma, depression, anxiety and developmental and growth issues.
Where the circle begins is where the circle ceases to stop. What often happens is these obese adults have children and teach their children the same bad habits without even realizing it and the cycle continues.
Part of the vicious cycle is a lack of education on the be-half of those struggling with obesity. Education is the key to success. This is true in anything you do, you must have the proper knowledge and the proper skills to accomplish a specific goal.
Here at American Home Rescue we are dedicated to educating and providing for those children and families that need our help. We grant scholarships to those who do not have the funds or resources to provide their children with healthy lifestyle choices. With help from people like you and me we are able to grant these scholarships and give children an opportunity they may not have had.
And today if you donate $50.00 you will be rewarded with $300.00 worth of FREE gas. We reward you for helping those in need. We should all want to help one another!!
To make your donation please visit
*P.S. Your Donation is Tax Deductible!!!*

Understanding Childhood Obesity

Being a mother started while I was pregnant. The moment that blue cross showed up on the pregnancy test confirming it was true everything changed. As the actuality of the it all settled in I knew I ultimately faced the challenge that all parents face: What are the best decisions for the well being of my child? Will I be able to follow through with them? Will I be a good enough parent for my baby?
In thinking about the welfare of my child I had to make decisions that always were to his benefit. I had to think of him every moment of every day. It was my responsibility that I provided an environment that was healthy, safe and secure. I made changes and sacrifices.
All changes were well worth it, I have a beautiful healthy baby boy. Controlling his eating habits now is easy. He doesn't eat anything unless we give it to him. However in years to come, I will not have all that control, and I will have to hope my son has the right knowledge to eat and exercise right so he may stay healthy.
Childhood obesity is an ever growing epidemic worldwide.
A report done in 2004 reported 16% of children between the ages of 6 and 11 were overweight and 15% of children were at risk for becoming obese. This makes up over 9 million children in America. In the UK the Department of Health announced that 80% of the country's four to ten year olds were weighed and measured in 2006-and then in 2007 -there was an increase of 32 per cent on the previous year of the number of children with obesity. A new study from Australia says that 1 in 5 Australian pre-school children are fat.
The statistics can not and should not be ignored. Being healthy starts with the home. Children who are obese have a 70% greater chance of being obese when they are adults. That percentage increases to 80% if both the parents of the child are obese. For our world to be healthy they need the right education and resources.
The physical and emotional affects of childhood obesity are deadly serious. These children are not being given the chance to be care-free children. It is time to start to help fight for these children and their families. Everyone deserves to be healthy.
Here is how you can help with the fight against childhood obesity: visit the website below At American Home Rescue it is our goal to help educate and provide for those who are suffering from childhood obesity. If you donate $50.00 to help those children who don't have any resources for a healthy life, you will receive $300.00 worth of FREE gas. That is $25.00 of FREE gas every month!!! So you help a child in need, and we help you with your gas.
It is a small price to pay to ultimately save a child's life. It is our responsibility as parents to provide for our children. It is our duty to ensure that they are healthy and safe. As a mom I feel it is my duty to not only help my children, but help all children. I hope you feel the same way.
*P.S. Your Donation is Tax Deductible!!!*